Tag Archives: Ste-Maxime


Mentions légales Editeur du site : Serip GROUPE Directeur de publication : Joaquim PIRES Adresse exploitée pour le site : http://www.joaquim-pires.com Moteur du site : WordPress™ – http://www.wordpress.com Hébergement : Ovh – http://www.ovh.com L’ensemble de ce site relève des législations française et internationale sur le droit d’auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. Tous les droits de […]

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The remarkable story of Serip Groupe began in 1958. Joaquim Pires’ father left the Salazar regime in Portugal and settled in France, where he began working in the construction of bridges, roads and tunnels. A few years later he and his family moved to Sainte-Maxime, where he resumed his original profession: the construction of villas. […]

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M – Sainte-Maxime Magazine #3

Release of the third edition of M – Sainte-Maxime Magazine And third… I am pleased to announce the birth of the newest addition to the -M- Sainte-Maxime family! Something that gives you the chance of wandering Sainte-Maxime’s narrow streets, discovering unique boutiques along the way, strolling the second part of our rehabilitated waterfront promenade, and […]

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